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Tulosta Tallenna

Suurenna kuva

Targus Classic EcoSmart, Reppu, 40,6 cm (16"), Olkahihna, 690 g

Tuotteen saatavuus: 62 (62 kpl)

Toimitus: heti


(Tuote saattaa poiketa kuvasta ja kuvan tuote voi sisältää osia jotka eivät kuulu varsinaiseen tuotteeseen.)


Introducing the CN600GL, a timeless classic reengineered to meet the demands of the modern professional. Two decades after its debut, the CN600GL emerges with a fresh, contemporary design that incorporates eco-friendly credentials using 6 recycled water bottles, making it a conscious choice for the environmentally aware professional.

Re-designed to meet the needs of today’s professionals, the CN600GL features durable water-resistant fabric to keep your essentials dry, even in unpredictable weather. Its suspended laptop protection safeguards your devices from impacts, while ample organisational space ensures everything has its place.

Equipped with up-to-date features, this backpack enhances accessibility with three-tiered zippered front pockets and a trolley strap for convenient travel. For a comfortable carrying experience, it includes adjustable contoured shoulder straps, a reinforced top handle, and a breathable back panel to help keep you cool. All these features are paired with Targus's expected level of laptop protection, making it perfect for everyday use.

Designed for Comfort
Experience comfort that moves with you. Whether you're navigating the daily commute, travelling to the next big meeting, or just out and about, this backpack's ergonomic, padded shoulder straps evenly distribute weight, minimising strain and maximising comfort for all-day use. The Targus 15-16” Classic EcoSmart® Backpack is made to fit perfectly into your life, whatever it throws at you.

Take a Load Off
Engineered for the long haul with ergonomic shoulder straps, a padded back panel, adjustable sternum strap, and trolley strap to set on rolling luggage, this bag delivers on your commuting comfort.

A Commuter’s Dream
Not all commutes are the same. Whether you need a slim bag for tight spaces or something bigger for all your day’s needs, this bag can accommodate. With More external pockets and on-the-go quick access to everything and an anti-theft deterrent feature on the zips of the main compartment to keep your valuables safe and sound!

Limited Lifetime Warranty
We’re so confident that the Targus 15-16” Classic EcoSmart® Backpack is made to last, we put a Limited Lifetime Warranty on it. This doesn’t just guarantee you’re getting the very best quality, it also means that you’re contributing positively to the planet by reducing waste.

The Bottle Reborn
You no longer have to choose between good looks and eco-friendly design. This sustainable backpack was designed with the environment in mind. By using GRS-certified recycled materials, 6 plastic bottles were kept out of our waterways and landfills. This material was then shredded, spun into yarn, and sewn into this eco-friendly laptop backpack's fabric.


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Tuotteen tiedot

Tuotekoodi CN600GL
EAN-koodi 5063194002002
Valmistajan takuu Valmistajan takuu
Hinta (kpl) 35,86 €
Varastossa 62




EAN-koodi 5063194002002
Valmistaja TARGUS
Valmistajan koodi CN600GL


Linkit: Information in the official manufacturer web site (english)

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Varastossa – selitykset

  • Bundle = Tuote kuuluu ainakin yhteen bundleen.
  • ! =Erikoistarjous.

Kotimaista IT-palvelua - Data Group

Data Group on suomalainen vuonna 1992 perustettu, paikallisten IT-kauppiaiden muodostama ketju. Toimipisteitä on 61 kpl ympäri Suomea ja niissä työskentelee 370 IT-ammattilaista. 

Tarjoamme yrityksellesi oikean kokoisen IT-kokonaisuuden, joka on helppo ostaa ja budjetoida.

  • Varmistamme, että IT palvelee yritystänne nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
  • Huolehdimme koko ratkaisun turvallisuudesta, toimivuudesta ja kehityksestä
  • Tarjoamme paikallisen palvelun ja valtakunnallisen tuen

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Domestic IT service - Data Group

Data Group is a Finnish chain formed by local IT retailers, founded in 1992. There are 61 offices around Finland and 370 IT professionals work in them.  

We offer your company an IT package of the right size, which is easy to buy and budget for.

  • We make sure that IT serves your company now and in the future
  • We take care of the security, functionality and development of the entire solution
  • We offer local service and nationwide support

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Inrikes IT-tjänst - Data Group

Data Group är en finsk kedja bildad av lokala IT-återförsäljare, grundad 1992. Det finns 61 kontor runt om i Finland och 370 IT-proffs arbetar i dem.  

Vi erbjuder ditt företag ett IT-paket av rätt storlek, som är lätt att köpa och budgetera för.

  • Vi ser till att IT servar ditt företag nu och i framtiden
  • Vi tar hand om säkerheten, funktionaliteten och utvecklingen av hela lösningen
  • Vi erbjuder lokal service och rikstäckande support

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