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Tulosta Tallenna

Suurenna kuva

Samsung WM55B, 139,7 cm (55"), 350 cd/m², 3840 x 2160 pikseliä, 4K Ultra HD, VA, 16:9

Tuotteen saatavuus: 9 (9 kpl)

Toimitus: heti


(Tuote saattaa poiketa kuvasta ja kuvan tuote voi sisältää osia jotka eivät kuulu varsinaiseen tuotteeseen.)


Unlimited learning possibilities. With Pro.
As digitalisation of education accelerates to enable impactful, interactive collaboration, Flip Pro gives educators the tools needed to deliver a new, advanced level of learning. With versatile connectivity, intelligent software and intuitive features, Flip Pro introduces the future of education.

Better interaction with best in-class multi-touch
Fast & multi-touch
Flip Pro delivers industry-best latency at just 26ms*, with prediction logic applied to ensure a realistic, smooth drawing experience with 2,048 point of thickness built directly into the display to unlock creativity. Plus, Flip Pro enables multi-touch for up to 20 people for enhanced interactivity.

Bring ideas to life in an instant
Intuitive writing & drawing
Ideas are brought to life instantly on Flip Pro with pen and brush mode that provides a real-world writing experience, while flexible erasing requires just a swipe of your finger or palm. The quick tool and palette menu ensure creativity flows and toggle button easily enables a new note layer UI.

Stay connected from any source
Versatile connectivity
Flip Pro provides multiple connectivity options, including USB, HDMI and DP. Educators can easily connect any device to access content and display information on a larger screen, as well as connect to any network and other devices through LAN port and wireless screen-mirroring.

One single port for three functions
3-in-1 USB-C port
Connectivity is enhanced with 3-in-1 USB-C connectivity, enabling screen mirroring, touch control and external device charging (max. 15W). Educators can simply connect to the USB Type-C port, allowing them to deliver interactive and engaging lessons without any hassle.

Share with AirPlay 2
AirPlay 2
Flip Pro is integrated with AirPlay 2, allowing educators and students to present on the big screen, increasing visibility and engagement in larger spaces. Creating a wireless dual display setup ensures no student misses out on important information for more collaborative interactions.

Smart, wireless sharing from multiple devices
With SmartView+, up to 50 devices can be simultaneously connected to the interactive display wirelessly, in addition to enabling multi-view on up to four screens. This cable-less screen sharing functionality is ideal for larger meeting rooms as well as digitised classrooms.

Access whatever you need, from anywhere
With Workspace secured by Knox, Flip Pro enables users to easily access remote PC, network drive and other third-party applications* such as Office 365, VMWare, Boxlight MimioConnect. This ensures efficiency from any location and an uninterrupted workflow for educators and students.

Optimise lesson planning with embedded learning solution
Boxlight MimioConnect
Flip Pro offers the MimioConnect app*, an online blended learning platform, providing an extensive catalog of versatile learning content available via Workspace. Samsung’s partnership with leading US education solutions delivers innovative education software directly.

Collaborate with ease over video conferencing
Video call applications
Simple, seamless video conferencing* is supported on Flip Pro based on the WebRTC (Real Time Communication) API, without the need for additional solution compatibility. Apps such as Google Duo will be available to users with just a touch for easy, efficient collaboration.

Keep informed with remote management solution
Remote content push
Using Samsung’s MagicINFO Remote Management* solution, Flip Pro offers new functionality that pushes content, alerts and warnings from the school information system to the display. This notifies teachers and students of important updates by pushing them directly to Flip displays in every classroom.

Carefully designed for various use
Slim stand
Flip Pro 55” offers increased working space in front of the display and convenient ways to position and store. Its enhanced, hinge assembly structure enables easy setup and efficient stocking.

Clean screen and minimised damage risk
Protective screen technology
Samsung Flip Pro delivers peace of mind with a built-in Antimicrobial Coating* which inhibits microbial growth. Plus, the Flip’s display is wrapped in a proprietary shatterproof film, ensuring the screen stays intact in the event of a break.


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Tuotteen tiedot

EAN-koodi 8806094472486
Takuu 36 KK
Hinta (kpl) 1 404,34 €
Varastossa 9


Sisäinen player Kyllä


Bluetooth Kyllä


Wi-Fi Kyllä

  Energian hallinta

Virrankulutus valmiustilassa, W 0.5
Virrankulutus, W 95


Pivot-toiminto Kyllä
VESA-standardi, mm 400 x 400


Katselukulma, pystysuora, ° 178
Katselukulma, vaakasuora, ° 178
Kirkkaus, cd/m² 350
Kontrastisuhde (tyypillinen) 4000:1
Kosketusnäyttö Kyllä
Näytön koko, " 55
Näytön resoluutio, pikseliä 3840 x 2160
Toiminta-aika 16/7
Vasteaika, ms 8
Virkistystaajuus, Hz 60


Yhteydet Audio (3.5mm) , HDMI , RS-232C , USB , USB-C

  Paino ja mitat

Mitat (LxSxK), mm 1297.4 x 768.2 x 59.9
Tuotteen paino, kg 28.6


Käyttölämpötila (T-T), °C 0-40


Kaiuttimen teho, W 10
Sisäänrakennetut kaiuttimet Kyllä


Bruttopaino 13.00
EAN-koodi 8806094472486
Valmistaja SAMSUNG
Valmistajan koodi LH55WMBWBGCXEN


Linkit: Information in the official manufacturer web site (english)

Yhteensopivat tuotteet


Hinnat sisältävät ALV:n.
Hinnat valuutassa EUR. Hinnat sitoumuksetta.  Näytä tuoterivin selitteet Piilota tuoterivin selitteet

Varastossa – selitykset

  • Bundle = Tuote kuuluu ainakin yhteen bundleen.
  • ! =Erikoistarjous.

Kotimaista IT-palvelua - Data Group

Data Group on suomalainen vuonna 1992 perustettu, paikallisten IT-kauppiaiden muodostama ketju. Toimipisteitä on 61 kpl ympäri Suomea ja niissä työskentelee 370 IT-ammattilaista. 

Tarjoamme yrityksellesi oikean kokoisen IT-kokonaisuuden, joka on helppo ostaa ja budjetoida.

  • Varmistamme, että IT palvelee yritystänne nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
  • Huolehdimme koko ratkaisun turvallisuudesta, toimivuudesta ja kehityksestä
  • Tarjoamme paikallisen palvelun ja valtakunnallisen tuen

Lue lisää Data Groupista

Etsi lähin Data Group -liikkeesi tästä!

IT-Palvelut - PalveluPaketti

Domestic IT service - Data Group

Data Group is a Finnish chain formed by local IT retailers, founded in 1992. There are 61 offices around Finland and 370 IT professionals work in them.  

We offer your company an IT package of the right size, which is easy to buy and budget for.

  • We make sure that IT serves your company now and in the future
  • We take care of the security, functionality and development of the entire solution
  • We offer local service and nationwide support

Read more about Data Group

Find your nearest Data Group store here!

IT-Palvelut - PalveluPaketti

Inrikes IT-tjänst - Data Group

Data Group är en finsk kedja bildad av lokala IT-återförsäljare, grundad 1992. Det finns 61 kontor runt om i Finland och 370 IT-proffs arbetar i dem.  

Vi erbjuder ditt företag ett IT-paket av rätt storlek, som är lätt att köpa och budgetera för.

  • Vi ser till att IT servar ditt företag nu och i framtiden
  • Vi tar hand om säkerheten, funktionaliteten och utvecklingen av hela lösningen
  • Vi erbjuder lokal service och rikstäckande support

Läs mer om Data Group

Hitta din närmaste Data Group-butik här!

IT-Palvelut - PalveluPaketti

